#10: Vitamin S
Studie zu Scheidungen (ab Minute 0.38):
Pilar Gonalons-Pons und Markus Gangl (2021). Marriage and Masculinity: Male-Breadwinner Culture, Unemployment, and Separation Risk in 29 Countries, American Sociological Review, Band 86, Nummer 3, Seite 465-502 (Link)
Studie zum Impostor-Syndrom (ab Minute 3.13):
Sarah Hudson und Helena Gonzalez-Gomez (2021). Can impostors thrive at work? The impostor phenomenon's role in work and career outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, Band 128 (Link)
Studie zu Vitamin S (ab Minute 5.53):
Paul Van Lange und Simon Columbus (2021). Vitamin S: Why Is Social Contact, Even With Strangers, So Important to Well-Being. Current Directions in Psychological Science, Band 30, Nummer 3, Seite 267-273 (Link)
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